Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Signs of Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorderas

The Signs of Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorderas written by Andrew Bicknell and he writes "Rapid cycling bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that most people do not understand or know about. Bipolar disorder by itself is a condition in which its sufferers cycle between two poles of mental instability; mania and depression. Rapid cycling bipolar occurs when the sufferer shifts quickly between the two states with little to no warning.

Because it is one of the most serious forms of bipolar disorder the prognosis for anyone afflicted with rapid cycling bipolar disorder is not always good. The mental health and brain function of people with this condition is highly compromised because of the rte at which they go from mania to depression and back again. Treating this condition is also difficult because the medications used for mania a depression are different and can actually make the symptoms worse..

The only way to get an accurate diagnosis for rapid cycling bipolar disorder is to have a full mental health evaluation done by a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist. A licensed mental health professional can do the necessary tests and see if the symptoms presented are indeed bipolar disorder. In order to make a rapid cycling diagnosis the patient will have to meet the standards set forth in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders IV-TR which states that the patient must have at least four episodes of depression and mania/hypomania in a one year period.

Some people with rapid cycling bipolar disorder are asymptomatic, meaning they have periods when they exhibit neither of the cycles associated with this disorder. This does not diminish their need to effectively deal with their condition because when the mania and depression do hit it can be severe enough to be life threatening.

The more troubling side of this disorder is those who have little to no time between normalcy and a depressive or manic episode. Without proper mental health help people who suffer from this extreme can be a danger to themselves and others.

It is also likely that those who suffer from rapid cycling bipolar disorder will also partake in risky behavior. There sense of right and wrong is sometimes not as it should be and they are willing to take chances with their health and well being. Drug and alcohol abuse is not out of the question particularly for those who like to self medicate. This can actually make the symptoms much worse and cause the cycling between the two extremes to happen at an even faster pace.

You can find out more about rapid cycling bipolar disorder on the internet or at your local library. There is a wealth of information out there to help those who suffer from this disease but it is important that if you or someone you know may have this disorder that the first and best place to get help is from licensed mental health professional. That is the only way to get the treatment that will effectively deal with rapid cycling bipolar disorder and allow its sufferers to live a more normal life.

Andrew Bicknell is a writer and the owner of Depression and You. Visit his website for more information about rapid cycling bipolar disorder and other depressive disorders.


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Thursday, February 08, 2007

11 Symptoms of Depression and How to Recognize Them

Jean Morgan has written 11 Symptoms of Depression and How to Recognize Them and writes "Everyone feels "blue" at times. Life is full of highs and lows. But people with depression feel sad all of the time.

Depression is a real medical illness. Left untreated, it can lead to other mental illnesses or even suicide. Real clinical depression is not something you can just shake off. You can't talk yourself into feeling better. It can interfere with your daily activities and can hurt the ones close to you. The first step in getting better is to recognize the symptoms and admit that you might have depression. Some people may have only a few of the following symptoms while some may have many..

Persistent sad mood or feeling empty.

Feelings of hopelessness.

Feelings of guilt or worthlessness.

Loss of interest in favorite hobbies or things you once enjoyed

Loss of interest in sex.

Decreased energy.

Sleep disturbances, either sleeping too much or too little.

Inability to concentrate.

Overeating or not being able to eat.

Restlessness or irritability.

Thoughts of suicide.

Depression may also cause a wide variety of physical symptoms. People with depression often experience digestive disorders such as constipation, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Depressed people may also get frequent headaches and experience back pain. Anxiety attacks may also coincide with depression.

Women experience depression twice as often as men. Hormones can play a huge role in depression. Menstrual cycle changes, pregnancy, post-partum period, miscarriage and menopause all can be contributing factors to depression. Women have additional responsibilities at work and at home and are usually the care giver for the children and sometimes aging parents. These stressors can lead to depression.

Men that are depressed often try to mask it with alcohol or drugs. They rarely admit to being depressed. Often times they will work excessively long hours to hide it. The rate of suicide in depressed men is four times that of women. Men often become angry, irritable and discouraged. They are less likely to seek help and are often harder to diagnose.

There are three major types of depression:

Major Depression.

This is a disabling depression that has a combination of the symptoms listed above. It interferes with one's ability to eat, sleep, work or enjoy pleasurable activities.


This is a less severe type of depression. It is not disabling, but generally keeps one from functioning well or feeling good. People with dysthymia will probably have a least one major depressive episode in their lives.

Bi-Polar Disorder.

It is sometimes referred to as manic-depressive disorder. It is characterized by severe high and severe lows. The cycles may happen rapidly or come on gradually. Left untreated it can worsen to a psychotic state.

If you experience any of the above symptoms and they last for longer than a couple of weeks you should seek medical treatment. There is no shame in admitting that you may have depression. It doesn't mean you are crazy or weak. People of all ages, race and gender can suffer from depression. With the right interventions, you can enjoy your life once again.

Jean Morgan is the publisher of Beat Depression Today an informative ebook and self help package for anyone suffering from this illness. It is available from Jean also has a blog at

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

10 Key Signs of Depression

Jim DeSantis has written '10 Key Signs of Depression' and writes "Let me say at the outset - depresssion is nothing to be ashamed of or to feel guilty about. It afflicts millions of people. It can be a chemical imbalance or a mental disfunction. Most importantly, it can be treated successfully.

How can you know when someone is suffering from depression or a manic disorder? You may not realize that each and every kind of symptom of depression are actually not hidden or mysterious. They are plain to see if one knows what to look for. At the same time it is actually quite easy to overlook such symptoms and not be able to help yourself or others who are suffering from depression. One can be too close to the forest to see the trees, so to speak..

There are actually many symptoms of depression. Some are not seen or felt every single day which makes them more difficult to identify. Also, since symptoms of depression actually vary, the time of their "attacks" varies as well.

Here are 10 of the most common symptoms of depression:

1) Prolonged period of sadness or not feeling "up to it". This is always that feeling of "not in the mood". This person would rather mope around the house and feel sorry for themselves.

2) A feeling of hopelessness, perennial pessimisism, speaking of feeling sorry for one’s self. This is coupled with actually feeling like he/she has nothing to look forward to in his or her life. As for being the perennial pessimist, those who show this symptom of depression are usually very negative about things, again, the feeling of hopelessness comes in to mind.

3) Guilt-driven and loss of self-worth. Feeling overwhelming guilt over something can actually make you very sad and make you feel like you do not deserve to be happy. Thus, the loss of self-worth. If you feel you are not worthy of being happy or enjoying yourself, that’s a clear tell-tale symptom of depression. Add to this a feeling that things simply will not go your way reinforces a feeling of being a victim of circumstances.

4) Has lost taking pleasure in simple things in life, a spirit of adventure, or hobbies, anything one used to enjoy doing. This is especially true when you begin shunning activities that involve family or friends and become reclusive.

5) Fatigue, always feeling tired or run down physically or mentally. People suffering from depression, having lost whatever interest in life that they may have had before are actually depleted of physical energy. Moping around, not eating properly, not getting enough restful sleep, all lead a depressed person on a path to not just a mental illness but to physical illnedd as well.

6) Having trouble concentrating, having bad memory and is indecisive. A person who is suffering from depression easily gives away this tell-tale symptom of depression. Wherein one’s lack of interest in the outside world, or in just about anything for that matter, can lead to an inability to keep track of things, not be able to remember things that happened, or recent conversations. Lack of interest actually makes depressed people very inattentive and their living quarters quite disorganized and messy.

7) Sleep and eating disorders: Lacking enough sleep, sleeping too much, waking up at wee hours of the morning, appetite lossor eating too much. Watch for sudden weight loss or weight gain.

8) Being suicidal, talking about death, about wanting to die, are clear indications of depression.

9) Being restless and irritable, physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive disorders, and various body pains.

10) Finally, and perhaps the most common warning sign that takes in the 9 already mentioned is when those people closest to you continually ask - "Are you O.K.?". This means they see behavior that you are not seeing because you are too close to the forest to see the trees.

Call your physician and make an appointment soon!

Yours for success! Jim DeSantis

P.S. - Please forward this article to someone who may benefit from it.

Jim DeSantis has Associate Degrees in Pastoral Counseling and Christian Theology. Go to Jim's Blog for lots of free resources and links about how to overcome your personal challenges!

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