Friday, October 27, 2006

Depression Treatments That Offer Hope

Depression Treatments That Offer Hope was written by Athlyn Green and writes "Depression treatments have come a long way and offer hope to sufferers. Research has shed insight into the human brain and its functioning and has come to the rescue with flexible treatment approaches to combat troubling symptoms of depression.

The latest scientific evidence confirms that clinical depression is a medical illness, one that causes changes in the brain. Brain chemicals and their balance are affected and treatment for depression is tailored to address those underlying causes.

Armed with these insights, science has yielded newer depression treatments that offer fewer side effects. These are used in conjunction with traditional medicines that are still effective for those who may not respond to the newer medications..

What medications are available? Your doctor will first consider different factors when deciding on a drug therapy for you. He or she will determine your history, whether you have suffered bouts of depression in the past, the severity of your depression, and your age. Then he or she will decide on an appropriate treatment for depression for you.

Your doctor will draw from an arsenal of different antidepressants, SSRIs, tricyclics, or MAOIs, or additional drugs. These are all effective medications.

When depression treatments are in the early stage, your doctor may select a SSRI. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are a beneficial treatment choice because they do not present the same severity of side effects.

If you have tried a SSRI without tangible benefit, your doctor may choose a tricyclic antidepressant. This may be indicated if you have tried several different medications but have seen no appreciable improvement. A tricyclic may be called on if you are in the throes of a major depression.

MAOIs may be tapped as a last resort as treatment for depression. Use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors is fraught with potential dietary and drug interactions.

Drugs such as Wellbutrin, Effexor, Remeron, or Desyrel may not necessarily fit into drug classifications of antidepressants but these may be selected in depression treatments for you because the risk of side effects is reduced.

Thankfully, newer drugs have yielded a reduction in side effects and are used to effectively treat depressive disorders. Because long-term effects have not yet been established, you will want to discuss potential benefits and risks with your doctor, once a treatment for depression has been decided upon.

If side effects are a concern or if you find that you are sensitive to medications, an alternative approach is the use of natural remedies. Natural supplements are gaining in popularity as viable depression treatments and the good news is that their use is not attenuated with the side effects encountered in prescription medications.

Chamomile is effective in alleviating insomnia and anxiety and offers beneficial anxiolytic effects (anxiety reduction), valerian is used for mood disorders such as depression. Clinical studies suggest a neuroprotective effect associated with valerian extracts. Calcium and magnesium treat emotional and physical stress. Ginkgo biloba has been shown to increase the oxygen content to the brain, aiding in concentration and mental acuity, as well as its use for treatment for depression. Many beneficial vitamins and minerals, amino acids, enzymes, specialty supplements and additional herbal extracts are combined in herbal preparations, which are specifically formulated to improve, balance, and restore damaged neurotransmitters in the brain.

Science offers newer medications for depression and researchers have uncovered the exciting potential of substances derived from nature. Depression does not have to interfere with quality of life. New depression treatments offer help and hope.

Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She has contributed to Treatment For Depression, a section of dedicated to natural treatments and prescription drug alternatives for this disorder.

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Post Pardum Depression-Would You Recognize It?'

Athlyn Green has written 'Post Pardum Depression-Would You Recognize It?' and writes "Bringing a new baby into the world should be one of life’s most precious experiences. Unfortunately, for mothers affected by post pardum depression, what follows may feel more like a nightmare. You brought home a “bundle of joy” but didn’t anticipate the distressing feelings you are now experiencing.

Pregnancy and childbirth are attenuated by physical and psychological stresses that can affect not only a woman’s body but also her mental health. These factors can result in either the baby blues, which, it is estimated affects up to 70% of new mothers, post pardom depression, that occurs in one in 10 cases or, in the worst scenario, an even more troubling disorder called postpartum psychosis (where the mother is at risk of harming either herself or her infant). Thankfully, this third category is rare..

Depression has many faces and each woman’s experience will be different; however, emotional well being and physical functioning will be compromised. Trying to focus and remember or attempting to make decisions may be difficult. Lack of energy and motivation can be accompanied by irritability and restlessness, feeling agitated and anxious. A mother suffering from postpardum depression may believe she’s facing an uphill battle, feeling ashamed and guilt-ridden, isolated by feelings she has little control over. She may feel terrible sadness and suffer from uncontrollable crying spells, then feeling overwhelmed, withdraw from friends and family. In addition, physical problems may be distressing and hard to cope with. Appetite and sleep problems may interfere with functioning and contribute to fatigue and exhaustion, accompanied by hyperventilation, heart palpitations (skipping or rapid beats), and chest pains. Imagine trying to grapple with all of the foregoing and then attempting to meet your child’s emotional needs!

Childbirth affects a woman’s body in particular ways. Chemical changes have taken place during and after pregnancy. Hormonal changes may have led to chemical imbalances in the brain. Because post pardum depression can seriously impact on daily life, family relationships, and more importantly, on a mother’s precious relationship with her infant, it is imperative that treatment is sought.

Treatment will be focused on relieving symptoms and correcting imbalances, and different treatment options are available. Conventional methods will employ talk and group therapies, helpful in gaining an understanding about how and why you have been affected. These aid in changing thinking patterns and in developing effective coping strategies. Antidepressant medication may be administered in conjunction with cognitive and behavioral approaches to relieve symptoms of post pardom depression. Nursing mothers may be concerned about substances they take into their bodies and possible transmission that may prove harmful to their infant. Research indicates that psychotropic medications are secreted into breast milk; however, adverse effects in infants appear to be relatively low. If you have concerns, these should be discussed with your doctor.

For those interested in exploring other treatment options for postpardum depression, natural remedies offer safe and effective alternatives. Natural supplements include herbal extracts such as black cohosh and chaste tree berry which may relieve irritability and sleep disturbances, vertigo and headaches, heart palpitations, anxiety, and depression. Essential minerals like calcium and magnesium help alleviate physical and emotional stress. Valerian is well known for its effectiveness in helping to reduce anxiety and sleep disorders. It has been used for mood disorders, including depression. Chamomile aids digestion and reduces anxiety. Natural supplements include beneficial vitamins and minerals, amino acids, enzymes, specialty supplements and additional herbal extracts. All of these ingredients provide potent and effective relief.

With the options available today, mothers and their babies don’t have to suffer the effects of post pardum depression. Each person is different and will choose a treatment they feel is of the most benefit.

Natural supplements provide a flexible, safe, and effective alternative when post pardom depression impacts your functioning, your relationships, and your well being.

Natural remedies are gaining in popularity as a viable treatment option and can be turned to when seeking treatment for postpardumdepression.

If you are suffering the effects of post pardum depression, you don't have to go it alone. With the help and hope that modern treatments provide, you'll find that your "new arrival" really is a bundle of joy!

Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She is a regular contributor to several health sites, including Beat Your Depression, a site dedicated to treating depression safely and effectively.

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Saturday, October 21, 2006

Do "Natural" Antidepressants Really Work?

Lisa Barger has written 'Do "Natural" Antidepressants Really Work?' and writes "With at least 20 million Americans experiencing depression it's no wonder that so many people are turning to natural and alternative medicines for relief. But do these "natural" depression remedies really work? Here's what you should know.

St. Johns Wort

Few natural remedies for depression are as controversial as St. Johns wort. Made from the flowers of Hypericum perforatum, a small, woody perennial native to Europe, St. Johns wort has been used for depression since at least the time of the Ancient Greeks. A number of small European studies have found St. Johns wort effective for mild to moderate depression but the largest US study, underwritten by the National Institutes of Health, found St. Johns wort no more effective than a placebo..


The subject of over 100 studies worldwide, SAM-e, which is chemically known as S-adenosylmethionine, is produced in the body by combining methionine and ATP. SAM-e works to combat mild to moderate depression by increasing activity of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Numerous studies have found SAM-e comparable to prescription antidepressants for mild to moderate depression. Side effects are rare but SAM-e can be an expensive alternative to other "natural" remedies.


Made by your own body, 5-HTP, or 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan, is converted to serotonin in the brain. Though the link between 5-HTP and serotonin is undisputed, supplements of 5-HTP have failed to live up to scientific scrutiny when studied for mild to moderate depression. In clinical studies, 5-HTP has been found to be no more effective than placeboes for mild to moderate depression. Side effects of supplemental 5-HTP include liver damage and asthma, leading many naturopaths to caution against using it.

Only your doctor can diagnose your mild to moderate depression. But if you're interested in learning more about alternative treatments for this common disorder, ask your doctor if one of these natural depression treatments is appropriate for you.

Lisa Barger is a natural health writer specializing in natural health education. To learn more about Ms. Barger's belief in "Empowerment through Education" or to take a free online natural health class see her website,

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Yoga for Depression: Blame and Control

Paul Jerard has written 'Yoga for Depression: Blame and Control' and writes "Sometimes blaming others for our problems is easier than finding solutions. Any of us can blame our friends, parents, co-workers, family, and significant other for “our lot in life.” We can also blame “every driver on the road of life.”

Have you ever heard something similar to this? “Everyone over there drives terribly, but not me.” What is the source of all this blame? It is an inherent discontent with life.

Unfortunately, this usually occurs when we quietly blame ourselves for everything on a regular basis. Yoga teaches us to accept our mistakes and to accept what we cannot change..

Some people silently carry blame around with them all of their lives. Others look at past mistakes and agonize over them. Mindfulness is a universal practice, taught in Yoga classes, that will help you live for now.

We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it, and do our best to help those who we have hurt in the past. Mindfulness and Yoga meditation techniques will help anyone appreciate the present moment and the prospects of a brighter future. How is this possible?

Each style of Yoga works on the mental aspects of health. Even the very physical styles, of Yoga, work on the mental component of health. A healthy mind will contribute to your physical health exponentially. As an example of this, look at the recoveries of positive-thinking cancer patients.

Sometimes, we are blamed for something we had no involvement in. Our reaction is to feel bad about it, but we must develop “thicker skin” and avoid those who would make us the “scapegoat.” When you are constantly harassed by someone; it is not good for your mental health to repeatedly expose yourself to anguish.

Another contributor to depression is the desire to control everything. There are so many different possibilities in this life. As a result, life creates circumstances beyond our control. This does not give us the right to neglect everything, but we must learn to accept that we try our best, and that is all we can do. If you do your best every day, forgive yourself for any mistakes.

At the same time we must forgive friends, family, and co-workers for being human. If you learn to accept imperfection, you will be pleasantly surprised, when you see perfection as a rare jewel.

So, what did any of this have to do with Yoga? Yama and Niyama are the first two limbs of Yoga. The second Niyama is Santosha, also known as contentment.

A mind without contentment is also without peace. Do not confuse contentment with riches. The rich can only be truly content, when they share.

© Copyright 2006 – Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Manic Depression: Tips to Turn Frowns and Tears into Smiles and Laughter

Matt OConnor has written 'Manic Depression: Tips to Turn Frowns and Tears into Smiles and Laughter' and writes "You could be suffering from manic depression without even knowing it. Even if your mood swings don't resemble the actions of a pendulum, actions of extreme opposites are sufficient evidence to prove that you’re suffering from manic depression. If you believe that you’re suffering from this disorder, it's important to get help immediately and prevent it from affecting your life in a more significant way.

How to Handle Manic Depression

Also known as bipolar disorder, manic depression may be inherited and is usually serious and persistent. As mentioned earlier, not all people suffering from bipolar depression would have violent mood swings. In some cases, the transition from depression to mania or elation is gradual..

Regardless of that, it’s imperative that proper medical attention is given immediately to the affected individual to prevent the disorder from worsening.

COOPERATE FULLY WITH YOUR DOCTOR. This is not the time to feel ashamed about your condition. It's not your fault if you happen to suffer from manic depression. You should also understand that your doctor is there to help you and nothing else. If you don’t give your complete trust to your doctor, the treatment for your condition is most probably not as effective as it’s meant to be.

KEEP A CHART OF ACTIONS AND EVENTS RELATED TO YOUR CONDITION. Take note of the dates and times when symptoms of manic depression have occurred. Keeping a chart would not only help you understand the seriousness of your condition but it could also show you a trend that you were once unaware of. Awareness of this trend will better enable you to identify when you’re once again starting to experience the effects of manic depression.

NEVER TAKE ANY MEDICATION FOR MANIC DEPRESSION WITHOUT A GO-AHEAD FROM YOUR DOCTOR. Although your desire to be cured is entirely understandable, that doesn’t mean it should overrule common sense. Dabbling with drugs that you don’t fully comprehend can lead to serious medical complications. If you don’t think your present medication is effective, relay your feelings to your psychiatrist and he will no doubt see to it that your medication is immediately changed.

Speaking of medication, mood stabilizers are one of the most common forms of drugs prescribed for people suffering from manic depression. With the consumption of mood stabilizers, there is less chance for manic depression to recur. Lithium is the first type of mood stabilizer used for treating manic depression. Anticonvulsant medications like valproate are conversely used to treat the more serious cases of manic depression. It’s possible for a doctor to prescribe both anticonvulsant medication and lithium for manic depression patients.

WHEN A PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT HAS BEEN PRESCRIBED FOR YOU, FOLLOW THIS RIGOROUSLY. Having on-and-off treatment will only give you a temporary cure from manic depression. Prioritize your therapy sessions as it’s the only way for you to get better.

DON’T KEEP SECRETS. If something new comes up and it seems to be related to your condition, inform your doctor immediately. Failing to do so could lead to more suffering in the future.

TAKE NOTE OF SIDE EFFECTS. Certain medications for manic depression may make you gain weight, feel weak or nauseous, and even lose hair. If your medication has any side effect that bothers you, inform your doctor about it so he can change your treatment accordingly.

Lastly, don’t hide your condition from your loved ones. Even if you don’t have a doctor for a parent or partner, you’ll be amazed at the amount of help they can give just by providing you comfort and emotional support.

Did you know 16% of the world's population suffer from depression? Author Matthew OConnor runs a site dedicated to the latest news and developments in manic depression.


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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Reactive Depression

Milos Pesic has written 'Reactive Depression' and writes "Have you been feeling low lately? Always angry and easily get irritated than usual? Or, having trouble sleeping because of the unfortunate event that happens in your life? Well, it could be a sign of a certain type of depression. And as serious as depression issue, an immediate attention and care must be given to you.

Depression can be of many different types and reactive depression is one of them. Reactive depression, which is sometimes called an adjustment disorder with depressed mood, is the most normally encountered type of mood swing and is an extension of the normal upset feeling following a sad event in someone’s life. Death of family member, friend or someone very close, or any significant loss such as work can be some of life’s event that can stir up overwhelming state of sadness..

Fortunately, this type of depression is not actually severe, due to the fact that depressive person may be relieved when engaged back in particular interests. Besides, any blue moods can always be remedied if you get diversions that are of your interests, right? Once you have gain control of your life again, you are good to go back to your routine again, like work, family obligations, and social life. Reactive depression is only used to categorize mild to moderate depression, following a stressful event.

Most of the times, a depressive person will feel low, frequently angry and irritable, and seem lost in thoughts as the result of an unfortunate episode in life and have difficult sleeping. However, the depressive symptoms relative to reactive depression should be able to be cured and gone within six months following the end of the stress that caused the reaction. There is an exemption to the rule, though. Not all depressive individuals are capable of moving on easily. There are depression suffers whose condition continue over a long period of time, instead of experiencing the condition as a single event.

Reactive depression symptoms are similar to other types of depression; therefore the possible recommended treatment will still be the same as well. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and /or interpersonal therapy are still effective in treating this type of depression. Because of the relationship between the symptoms and a specific stressor, the focus is on resolving the problem that created the stress. For example, if your job is responsible for your depression, then you might consider changing jobs, which could be the most effective solution of your problem.

Contrary to what many may believe, there is, almost always, a solution to any problem. Usually, people suffering from reactive depression as reaction to psychosocial stressors thought that there’s no existing solution to their predicament, when, in fact, there is. In the case of depression, finding or developing a logical solution to overcome your illness in an important part of the process of recovery.

Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Overcome Depression blog. For more articles and resources on Depression related topics, visit his blog at:



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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Recognizing The Signs Of Clinical Depression

Recognizing The Signs Of Clinical Depression was written by Athlyn Green and she writes "If you are feeling more sad than usual or find the blues are a frequent visitor, you may wonder if you are experiencing actual clinical depression symptoms. Recognizing the symptoms of depression is an important step in determining whether it is time to seek out treatment.

Depression afflicts millions of people each year and if you are suffering, rest assured that you are not alone. Depression is a common medical disorder that afflicts people of all ages and from all walks of life and one that is often misunderstood, even by those who suffer from it! Signs of clinical depression can be missed or attributed to external events and many people live with symptoms for years without realizing they need treatment..

In light of the foregoing, it is important to recognize clinical depression symptoms. It may be helpful to ask yourself the following questions. Do I feel sad or irritable? Have I lost interest in activities that I used to enjoy? Do I feel hopeless? Have these feelings persisted over time? Have these feelings interfered with everyday activities or disrupted the normal pattern of my life?

Signs of clinical depression may also show in changed eating habits, to the point where loss or gain of weight is noticed. Sleep patterns may be affected, with a person sleeping more or less than usual. Energy levels may be decreased and tiredness may be experienced most of the time. Anxiety may be a chronic; concentration and decision-making ability may be affected. Feelings of guilt or worthlessness may take hold. More alarmingly, someone suffering from clinical depression may have recurring thoughts of death or suicide.

It is important to realize that clinical depression symptoms may be distressing but these can be treated. It is comforting to know that different treatment options are available. What one person feels comfortable with may not be the same for someone else; what works for one may not work as well for another. Conventional therapy may utilize psychotherapy and medication and these may be used to try to correct imbalances in certain brain chemicals. Alternative therapies can present a safe and effective ways to treat imbalances and many people have chosen these.

Research has shown that nutritional deficiencies can play a significant role in imbalances, causing neurotransmitter and brain malfunctioning. When this happens, negativity, anxiety and depression, or in other words, those distressing signs of clinical depression may be evident.

Natural remedies act to correct and create natural balance in the brain and nervous system alleviating clinical depression symptoms. It is possible to get neurotransmitters working again, with a corresponding improvement in emotional energy and improved mood. Effective ingredients in natural remedies may include ginkgo biloba, shown to promote mental clarity and concentration and beneficial in treating cognitive decline and depression; green tea with polyphenols, which provides many benefits, one of which is improved cognitive performance; chamomile, a general tonic, and useful for alleviating insomnia and anxiety; and valerian, used for restlessness and treating insomnia, for anxiety-induced sleep disorders, and depression. These, as well as other essential ingredients, help in treating depression.

There is help and hope available. Recognizing the signs of clinical depression and then effectively treating the symptoms is attainable for someone grappling with depression.

Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She is a regular contributor to several health sites, including Beat Your Depression, a site dedicated to treating depression safely and effectively.

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Guide To Depression

Eddie Tobey has written A Guide To Depression and writes "Depression can happen to anyone at any time. It is a medical condition that, if treated, can be managed or cured. A depressed person lacks interest in most activities that were once enjoyed, and lacks energy throughout the day. Most of the time, a depressed person’s is irritable. Family and friends notice signs and symptoms changes in appetite or weight, changes in sleep patterns, restlessness or decreased activity, feeling tired and lack of concentration. Depression can affect anyone, and it can last days, weeks or months. Some people are chronically depressed throughout their entire life. To be considered as suffering from depression, these symptoms should last two or more weeks.

Many people suffer from this medical condition. It affects people of all ages, backgrounds and ethnic groups. Over 34 million American adults suffer from depression, and over half this number involves women..

A depressed person has trouble sustaining a job and often suffers from sleep disorders. There is a general, overall feeling of worthlessness, guilt and sadness. Depressed individuals may turn to drugs and alcohol in an attempt to alleviate the problem. However, drugs and alcohol only make depression worse.

Symptoms of depression can be so severe that some people contemplate or commit suicide. However, before depression becomes that intense, a person should seek treatment from a qualified physician. There are many medications and programs that work and are available to help treat depression. On the proper medications and with counseling, a depressed person will feel better and be able to function at some level of normalcy. The medication may be temporary or something that will needed for the rest of the depressed person’s life.

Depressed provides detailed information on Depressed, Depressed Children, Depressed Teens, Depressed Men and more. Depressed is affiliated with (Mental Health Clinics.


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Monday, October 09, 2006

Do You Meet The Criteria For Major Depression?

Mark Webb was written 'Do You Meet The Criteria For Major Depression?' and writes "Thousands of people suffer from depression and don’t even know it. Often their symptoms are only mild to moderate in severity over time, individuals learn to adapt to an unnecessary struggle with depression.

These symptoms most likely won’t just go away and they can only get worse. If you find yourself identifying with several of these traits then I suggest you see your physician or better yet a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

Here are the more common symptoms of depression:

• Depressed Mood
• Increased Anxiety
• Increased Irritability
• Low Energy Level
• Restlessness
• Lack of Interest in Previously Enjoyed Activities
• Sleep Disturbance
o Initial Insomnia
o Frequent awakenings
o Increased need for sleep
o Feeling tired upon awakening

• Decreased or Increased Appetite
• Feelings of Worthlessness
• Difficulty Concentrating
• Racing Thoughts
• Intrusive Thoughts
• Feelings of Hopelessness and/or Helplessness
• Active or Passive Thoughts of Hurting Yourself and/or Someone Else
• Crying Spells
• Isolation from family and friends

If you identify with these symptoms and they have existed for over a month, you need to consider this an urgent matter. Do not let pride interfere with you getting the help you need. Symptoms of depression are usually progressive in nature. If you wait too long the symptoms can be quite overwhelming. Denying yourself treatment is a form of self abuse/neglect.

The proper treatment can typically provide fast relief. It is common to see improvement in two weeks and sometimes sooner. Why would you want to keep suffering with depression when relief can be right around the corner?

Call and make yourself an appointment now. Make sure your family physician is comfortable treating your depression. If not, they can refer you to a colleague they trust that is trained to treat depression.

While you are at it, I suggest you seek out a therapist to help as well. You will want to choose a therapist who is experienced in treating depression. Ask the receptionist any qualifying questions you may have. Often the therapist will call you back if you request. This can save you time and money. Some therapists work best with children while others are more proficient with adults. A therapist who is effective in treating depression can be a huge resource. They not only can teach you skills to combat the depression, they can also teach you how to prevent a reoccurrence of symptoms. The encouragement and support they provide is worth the effort of seeking a therapist.

Mark Webb is the author of How To Be A Great Partner and founder of Partner Focused Relationships™. Sign up for Mark Webb’s “Relationship Strategies” Ezine ($100 Value). Just visit his website at or


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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Depression Common Drug Treatments'

Michael Russell has written 'Depression - Common Drug Treatments' and writes "In some cases of depression, a patient is able to be successfully treated by seeing a therapist. In these relatively mild cases, the patient is suffering through some conflict or problem and just needs somebody with whom to discuss these problems. After weeks, months, or sometimes, even years of doing this, the patient is able to get past his depression and get on with his life. Again, these are in the more mild cases. However, in some cases where the patient is severely depressed and no amount of therapy seems to be doing any good, the only alternative left is drug therapy. In these cases, what drugs are used? Which ones are most common? Are some stronger than others? We'll explore these questions and others in this article.

Drugs that are used to treat depression are generally called antidepressants. This, however, is a very general description and each antidepressant works differently and is used for different reasons depending on the type and severity of the depression. It is important to understand that before any drug is given for depression all other options must be explored first. Antidepressants are very strong and have definite side effects, some of which are not very pleasant..

The most common drugs today for treating depression are called SSRI drugs. SSRI stands for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. To understand why these drugs are given, it is important to first understand what is taking place in a person's brain who happens to be suffering from depression, at least in cases where it is determined that the depression is being caused by a chemical imbalance.

In layman's terms, a person who is depressed is suffering because the neurotransmitters in their brain are not acting properly. These transmitters are supposed to transmit certain levels of noradrenaline and serotonin. When these levels are too low, what happens is that the person exhibits symptoms that we call depression. In order to combat these low levels, these SSRI drugs are given to increase the levels of noradrenaline and serotonin in the brain. Again, this is in layman's terms and the actual process is a lot more complicated. A trained medical professional must try to determine accurately how low these levels are and by doing this, how much drug needs to be administered. This is not an easy thing to do.

The common SSRI drugs that are given today are Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, Celexa, Lexapro, Effexor, Serzone and Remeron. These are the brand names for the following generic drugs, fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, citalopram, escitalopram, venlafaxine, nefazodone, mirtazapine. The difference between each of these drugs is beyond the scope of this article. Each one, however, works in a slightly different way and is prescribed based on the severity of the depression. This is not an exact science and sometimes one medication doesn't work or stops working and another one has to be prescribed.

As with any drug, there potential side effects with SSRI drugs. The most common side effects are nausea, insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, no appetite, impotence, headaches and a number of others. How severe the side effect varies from patient to patient. Of course, the worst side effect of any of these drugs is simply that it doesn't work.

Depression is treatable. Sometimes it takes a while to find just the right drug or dosage to keep a person's depression under control. Once this is done, however, the person can lead a productive and normal life.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Depression

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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Anxiety Depression: Learn How to be Worry Free

Foras Aje has written 'Anxiety Depression: Learn How to be Worry Free' and writes "From a religious stand-point, Jesus once asked his 12 disciples: “Which of you by worrying can add a single strand of hair to your head?” Now, you may be of a religious background or maybe not, but, think about that statement and you’d see why worrying, a main symptom of anxiety depression is quite unnecessary.

Reduced to its simplest form, what is worry? It is simply an unhealthy and destructive mental habit that- believe it or not folks-you were not born with but simply acquired out of practice. The good news is, with aggressive actions, as with any habit and acquired attitude; we can be worry free and eliminate it from our lives successfully..

In the words of Dr. Smiley Blanton, a noted Psychiatrist: “Anxiety depression is the great modern plague.” Other psychologists go on to say ‘worry’ a noted symptom of any form of depression, is the most subtle and destructive of all human diseases. When we worry excessively, we disintegrate our inner workings as humans and really put a lot of things out of order. Needless to say avoiding worry as a step of treating depression and anxiety will be the first step for our own benefit.

Anxiety Depression: Steps to take to be Worry Free:

The following steps should be used to deal with anxiety depression and its main symptom, worry. When used wisely and effectively, you will inevitably be successful at these natural depression help techniques.

1. Practice Mind-drainage: Empty your mind of pessimistic and negative thoughts, especially before going to and after waking up from sleep. This involves some degree of imagination friends. (the same imagination-mind you-that you are actually using to aggravate your present situations…didn’t realize that eh?). This mind-draining strategy cannot be overemphasized as I will let you know, if you fear something for a long period of time, it may actually come to pass. “For the thing which I feared has come upon me…” (Job 3:25)

2. Fill up the mind with powerful thoughts of faith and success to fill up the vacuum now left in the mind. You become a worrier by practicing it, you can be worry-free by practicing the opposite.

3. Say positive things about those things you previously spoke negatively of.

4. Never participate in a worry conversation. Induce your conversation with faith and worry-free statements.

5. Make friends with optimistic people, practice prayer and meditation.

6. Exercise and eat right. You’ll be making yourself look and feel better and consequently stronger through the process for overcoming depression, anxiety and becoming worry free.

No one is saying things will be automatically changed overnight.

No, it takes work. However with direct and equally aggressive actions as the destructive worry habits one may be indulging in, anxiety depression can be overcome and you too can be worry free if you believe in your mind you can.

Foras Aje is an independent health researcher and founder of For more information on Depression Treatment, feel free to stop by his website today.

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Friday, October 06, 2006

Teen Eating Disorder And Anxiety Depression Causes

Teen Eating Disorder And Anxiety Depression Causes was written by Robin J. Derry and he writes "Body image confusion running amuck? A seemingly "perfectionist" orientation to the smallest details? When does this apparent detail-and-goal orientation by your child "cross the danger line" into obsessive compulsive behavior and accompanying teen eating disorder?

Eating disorders, and their deeper complex of potential causes, constitute the greatest mortality risk of our present crop of diagnosed and labeled psychiatric illnesses. An eating disorder in teen family members is utterly serious, and potentially life-threatening unless parents can orchestrate an intervention combining counseling therapy and some mix of anxiety medicine or anxiety herb remedies.

What Parents Need To Watch For - Early Sign Of Teen Anorexia. Anxiety depression symptoms evolve subtly, and combined with children's natural penchant for "secretiveness", are virtually impossible to initially detect..

* Physical Signs. However, what you look for in your child are physical signs such as below-average weight for her age group and body size.

* Eating Habits. Your son or daughter may have a history of battling you over meals and food types. However, when their growing perfectionist and thin-body obsession is applied to foods, you'll hardly know what to do. Suddenly, all sorts of foods are "banned" by your child as she focuses narrowly on new-found foods that are "better for me". Parents, go at you own peril because you're at the outset of a rapidly expanding food phobia, and an underlying swirl of mental confusion, anxiety, fear, low self esteem and more.

* Speaking Patterns - Black And White Reality Markers. A hallmark mental sign of teen eating disorder is the growing demarcation applied to many ideas, where your child is cut-and-dried in her judgments. Increasingly strong convictions and a deterministic attitude allow her to judge everything in good-versus-bad terms. She'll also obsess about having "the wrong body shape"..." I'm getting fat" even while she's below weight.

* Medical Risk Issues And Symptoms Of Teen Anorexia. Look for an increase in headaches, reduction or absence of regular monthly menstruation, cold insensitivity, bowel irregularity and constipation, dizziness and overall fatigue. She's wasting away, and can't stop herself.

Teen Anorexia - Cause Of Teen Depression. Self esteem and body image reflect leading edge aspects of the mind-body duality that can easily bump off the rails in the teen years leading to many forms of anxiety depression behavior. No surprise that young kids would be vulnerable to feelings of inadequacy, doubts, plus succumb to pressure from peers as to how they should look and act and whether they're attractive enough. Throw in the cascade of puberty hormones, perceived pressure to perform at school, uncertainty about future goals and adult life and you have an explosive mix.

Intervention Strategies For Parents To Know About. You need to act smart, and carefully in order to put a brake on a dangerous teen eating disorder. In most eating disorder cases including teen anorexia family dynamics and "family history" point to the need for 3rd party outside professional guidance, along with some form of chemistry intervention.

* Natural Anxiety Herb Remedies - Negligible Side Effects. Mood-altering synapse-disrupting chemicals are strong stuff and should be administered to teens with a light hand, on a fully qualified basis. For hundreds of years, and even supported by modern clinical research, herbs such as St. John's Wort have been shown to be as effective in triggering positive mood shift as well known brand drugs such as Valium...however without any side effects. Other anxiety herb remedies include rhodiola, ginseng and south pacific kava.

Other supporting nutrients that trigger the brain's secretion of serotonin and its mellowing "feel good" properties include zinc, selenium and members of the B vitamin complex including B6 and B12, along with Vitamins D and C.

* Anxiety Disorder Medications. Millions of Americans ingest stimulants, amphetamines, mild tranquilizers, so-called anti depressants, even anti convulsants in order to address the potentially underlying causes of teen eating disorder and the associated phobias, obsessive compulsive behavior, and fears and anxiety. Parents beware that many of these same palliatives pose risks to your teen: addiction, withdrawal difficulties, confusion, rebound anxiety panic attacks, physical discomfort including muscle cramping, blurred vision, diarrhea, and more.

Look into additional info regarding teen eating disorder, and natural options for managing your child’s brain health and moods while promoting natural rest and life cycles.

Natural Nutrients To Treat Eating Disorder:


Author Robin Derry is publisher for a specialty information site that gives solutions to health, household, sport, travel and legal needs.

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

How To Be Worry Free And Overcome Depression

How To Be Worry Free And Overcome Depression was written by Foras Aje and he writes "Reduced to a simple form, just what is worry? It’s only an unhealthy and destructive habit of negative thinking. Note the word ‘habit’.

That means you were not born with it but rather acquired this attitude from repetition and practice.

Now, some physicians have declared that most people are ill or sick because of ‘dammed-up anxiety and worry’. Moreover, a chronic worrier is very unlikely to live long. These considered, it goes without saying that breaking the worry habit is something that must be undertaken and as soon as possible.

The following steps should be used to deal with anxiety depression and its main symptom, worry. When used wisely and effectively, you will inevitably be successful at these natural depression help techniques..

1. Fill up the mind with powerful thoughts of faith and success to fill up the vacuum now left in the mind. You become a worrier by practicing it; you can be worry-free by practicing the opposite. Fill up the mind with powerful thoughts of faith and success to fill up the vacuum now left in the mind.

2. Practice Mind-drainage: Empty your mind of pessimistic and negative thoughts, especially before going to and after waking up from sleep. This mind-draining strategy cannot be overemphasized as I will let you know, if you fear something for a long period of time, it may actually come to pass. “For the thing which I feared has come upon me…” (Job 3:25)

3. Never participate in a worry conversation. Induce your conversation with faith and worry-free statements.

4. Say positive things about those things you previously spoke negatively of.

5. Make friends with optimistic people, practice prayer and meditation.

All in all, do not be discouraged for you can break your worry habits and have relief from its hold on you, consequently making you more prone to overcoming depression.

Believe in yourself for you’re empowered to win!

In Friendship,
Foras Aje

Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. He invites you to visit his blog for more tips on Depression Treatment and Self-Help Today.

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Anxiety Depression and Its Symptoms

Anxiety Depression and Its Symptoms was written by Joanne King and she writes "Current statistics show that at least one out of every four women (compared to one out of ten men) will have some form of depression during their lifetime. Many of these people may not even know that they don’t have to suffer, and that there are many treatment options which have been proven effective for battling depression and its symptoms.

Along with depression can come many physical side effects. Tremors, muscle aches and pains, profuse sweating, lightheadedness, extreme fatigue, lack of energy, and heart palpitations are all known symptoms that come hand in hand with depression and anxiety disorders. Occasionally, these symptoms may hide the overall problem, making it harder to diagnose and treat effectively.

For many, anxiety depression can be literally debilitating. They are no longer able to do the things in life they enjoy, are unable to work, or develop personal relationships. Many feel as though they are trapped inside their own prison, afraid to face the world for fear of criticism and rejection. With today’s treatment options, it doesn’t have to be this way. People who suffer from anxiety depression and anxiety disorders can lead normal lives, with a little intervention along the way..

Those who suffer from anxiety depression need to understand that they are not alone. Thousands of people are diagnosed each year. They should not feel embarrassed or fail to seek treatment because of that embarrassment.

If you constantly find yourself feeling sad for no apparent reason, feel as if you have no hope, or are unable to perform your normal day to day activities, you may want to consider talking to your physician. Other possible signs to watch for are loss of appetite, insomnia, inability to concentrate, or the sudden onset of headaches.

Often, people who suffer from anxiety depression find themselves having suicidal thoughts. Some studies indicate that depression plays a factor in many of the suicides that take place today. In people age fifteen to twenty-four, suicide is on of the leading causes of death. Suicides caused in part by depression could possibly be avoided with proper treatment. Just in the last decade, there have been many new treatment options developed and proven effective for treating anxiety depression and the symptoms caused by it.

In many cases, anxiety depression may occur later in life. When it does strike older people, the two main presenting symptoms are memory loss and lack of mobility, which is often mistaken for other medical conditions, such as stroke or the onset of senility.

It is important to understand that depression can affect anyone, no matter how old they are, where they live, or what gender they are. For people who suffer from anxiety depression, it can be a life-altering condition. Realizing that help is available is the first step to recovering from this condition. Talk to your physician about your symptoms and any thoughts or concerns you have. He can develop a plan of treatment that is right for you, possibly including prescription medicines, therapy, or support groups. It will take time, as does recovering from any medical condition, but when it is all over, you will be glad that you recognized the symptoms and sought professional help.

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression was written by Shezz P and she writes "Many people who engage in various multi-tasking activities tend to exert too much of their brain power and as a result usually exhaust not only their physical strength, but they also tend to over extend their brains to the extent when it obviously needs some good old relaxation time. Busy people sometimes ignore the need to relax and take time off work, as well as their worries. It is these people who tend to start having nervous breakdowns, anxiety depression and other mental illnesses. Fortunately, if you're one of those poor unfortunate people who are unable to de-stress and is constantly fussing and worrying over things, there are various treatments available for treating anxiety depression.

Anxiety depression symptoms can vary from person to person but are usually characterized by irregularities and erratic behavior, this can be due to certain stress triggers that may tend to cause a person undue jitters and stress. Some people are naturally more nervous people and don't handle stressful situations as well as others, these people are more prone to having anxiety depression. They need to teach themsleves to be strong-willed when it comes to facing difficult and stress-prone activities. This is easier said than done and may be pretty hard to overcome at first, but trying to be calm and cool in times of extreme pressure is what will actually save your mental health from going in a totally downward spiral..

You will not be able to be cured from mental illness unless you are willing to admit that you have a mental illness in the first place. You have to be honest with yourself and assess what kind of depression or mental illness you actually have, go to your doctor to get yourself diagnosed correctly and to be placed on the right treatment for your condition. Here are the various types of depression:

Manic or Bipolar depression - symptoms include sudden and extreme changes in one's mood. One minute he or she is in an elevated state of euphoria while the next minute (day or week) he or she is feeling to be in a personal hell.

Postpartum depression - characterized by a prolonged sadness and a feeling of emptiness by a new mother. Physical stress during child birth, uncertain sense of responsibility towards the new born baby or over tiredness can be factors that can contribute to developing postpartum depression.

Dysthimia - characterized by a slight similarity with depression, although this time, it's been proven to be a lot less severe, but of course with any case, should be treated immediately.

Cyclothemia - characterized by a slight similarity with Manic or Bipolar depression wherein the individual suffering from this mental illness may occasionally suffer from severe changes in one's moods.

Seasonal Affective Disorder - symptoms of falling in a rut only during specific seasons (i.e. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall). Studies have shown that more people actually fall in to a rut more during the Winter and Fall seasons. Mood swings, wherein a person's mood may shift from happy to sad to angry in just a short time.

Anxiety depression has proven to be one of the most common types of depression and quite a high number of the population suffer from it. Anxiety depression is characterized by the state of being overly anxious about things. Anxiety, a supposedly normal behavior that actually helps a person adjust more to a certain stressful activity like first date jitters or a grueling exam the following day. Anxiety actually helps you get psyched up towards facing certain "difficult situations"; and therefore anxiety is actually a good thing. Anxiety depression however, is simply the opposite, not to be easily dismissed as a "case of the nerves"; Anxiety depression is actually an illness that can be caused from the biological makeup of an individual, or in other words, a hereditary illness.

Also, there are actually various types of Anxiety depression, each having its own unique characteristics. Take for example Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD, this kind of Anxiety depression is a lot more complicated than the average Anxiety depression, in spite of possibly being a day-to-day habit for those who suffer this kind of Anxiety depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder can make a person more paranoid than usual, anxiety attacks are more frequent, even absurd at times. They can even be anxious when there is no apparent reason that calls for them to behave in such a way. People suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder actually show a lot of symptoms, from lack of sleep, to being unable to relax, getting tired easily, cannot concentrate on what they're doing and even suffering from depression. This kind of Anxiety depression is curable but takes a bit of work to be cured.

Consult your doctor or therapist who will help give you the therapy that you need to help you loosen up. They may also prescribe medication to help with anxiety and help to calm and relax you.



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