Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Symptoms Of Depression - Six Steps That You Can Take To Stop Your Depression

Joe Stevens has written 'Symptoms Of Depression - Six Steps That You Can Take To Stop Your Depression' and writes "Many people go through depression at some point in their lifetime. For some people it's a fleeting thing that comes and goes, but for others it can be crippling. However, there are some things that you can do to help you ward off the depression "bug" and I'd like to share them with you.

Here are Six things that will help you to stop depression in its tracks and help you to keep yourself together.

#1. Acceptance - Don't start beating up on yourself because you're feeling down. I've battled this for years and it's really pretty silly. The pity thoughts of "oh why do I have to feel like this? why can't I just be like everybody else", will only bring you down further. You must accept that you're a human being and human beings are NOT perfect. Depression is something that you must deal with in your life. Is it a bummer sometimes? Absolutely, but it does NOT make you a bad person just because you happen to have a problem with depression. Don't ever, ever start persecuting yourself. Got it?

#2. Stop what you're doing and visit your "Happy Place"- Have you ever seen the movie "Happy Gilmore?" If so, then you'll immediately know what I mean, if not, let me explain. Everyone has a place or a dream of exactly where they'd most like to be. For some people this could be an island in the south pacific, for others the mountains or on a bike trail in the desert. Wherever that may be that makes you most happy and gives you peace, is your happy place. When you feel the depressed feelings coming on, stop what you're doing right away and pay a visit there. It helps.

#3. Write it down - Sometimes I feel so full of emotional garbage that I'm certain I'll just burst open and then confetti would be everywhere (That was a joke). I've found relief by writing things down though. You can do this with a pen and paper, you can post to a mental health forum, you can start a blog and post there, or whatever it takes. Sometimes it helps to post to a forum if you have a problem that you really need feedback on, but it might be too sensitive to share with family or friends. Another method is to write all of that garbage that's bugging you down on paper and then get rid of it. Trash it, burn it, flush it or tear it into a million pieces. It feels really good.

#4. Call a friend - I should put an asterisk next to this one. You only want to call a trustworthy friend that you know you can confide in, that perhaps has confided in you before or has the same or similar problems as you. Don't just grab a co-worker and say "I've gotta get this off my chest!" Situations like this tend to backfire and I highly recommend that you don't do it. Stick with those close to you that are trustworthy.

#5. Call a family member - Some types of depression are hereditary and someone else in your family may go through the same thing as you, with similar feelings. Don't be afraid to pick up the phone and say "hey bro or hey sis, do you have a minute?" People that love you are suppose to be supportive. There are some things that you may be more comfortable talking to a family member about than a close friend and vice versa.

#6. Exercise - I can't recommend it enough. Exercising will help you to burn off stress and get those happy endorphins firing upstairs in your brain. The more that you do, the better that you'll feel. Make certain to stretch very well before and after exercising in order to avoid injury and reduce soreness. This is a great help because you can get outside and really work up a good sweat. You can even get rid of some unwanted pounds while you're at it, which will be great for your self esteem. Get off of your rear and get with the program! It helps.

I hope that these tips help you to get through the "rough" times. Just remember to keep your chin up and don't be afraid to share those feelings and get rid of them. Feel free to print this out and put it on your wall. I hope it helps you.

Joe Stevens is a disabled veteran that writes articles on different topics that interest him or affect him. You can read several more articles on depression by going to or by simply clicking on self help for anxiety and depression.


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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Bipolar Disorder

Kent Pinkerton has written Bipolar Disorder and writes "From high to low, from euphoria to depression, from recklessness to listlessness -- all symptoms associated with bipolar disorders, -- an acute and disabling mental illness. Bipolar disorders are also known as manic-depressions or manic-depressive illnesses. Manic behavior is one extreme of this disorder and depression is the other. Bipolar disorders often start in adolescence or early adulthood and may continue throughout a person’s life. The causes of bipolar disorders are elusive, and there's no cure.

The signs of a bipolar disorder may persist for weeks or months, causing great disturbances in the lives of those affected as well as their friends and their families. Bipolar disorder can be controlled with medications and other therapies, but if left untreated, the condition worsens.

A family history of depression appears to exist in 80 to 90 percent of cases of bipolar disorders. People with bipolar disorders often don't recognize how impaired they are when experiencing a mood episode and how greatly the disorder is affecting their lives and the lives of others around them. Friends, family and primary care physicians are all important in recognizing possible signs of bipolar disorder, and in urging a person to seek professional help..

Bipolar disorders can be classified into four different types, Bipolar I and Bipolar II, Cyclothymic Disorder and Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. Psychological health experts separate the condition into these four types because the symptoms of bipolar disorder show up differently in different people. When doctors know what type a person has, they can tailor treatment to that person's specific needs.

Bipolar disorders can affect both men and women. In many people, the first symptoms show up in their early twenties. However, research has shown that the first episodes of bipolar disorder may start occurring earlier. The condition often shows up in teenage years, and even very young children can display symptoms.

If a family member or friend shows signs of bipolar disorder, one should encourage that person to seek the care of a psychiatrist immediately.

Bipolar Disorder provides detailed information on Bipolar Disorder, Symptom of Bipolar Disorder, Teen Bipolar Disorder, Bipolar Disorder Treatment and more. Bipolar Disorder is affiliated with Bipolar Depression.


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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Before Using Depression Medications, Consider the Side Effects

Foras Aje has written 'Before Using Depression Medications, Consider the Side Effects' and writes "Medication has become so popular for treating depression, yet over 25 million Americans remain depressed. So could these anti-depressants really be effective? Perhaps not. In addition, considering the side effects and withdrawal symptoms that come as a result of these depression drugs, you’ll be surprised at just how detrimental they actually are.

Let’s analyze the popular anti-depressant, Prozac. Many people take it for depression as well as premenstrual syndrome and panic attacks.

For quite a while, the drug has been thought to have few side effects and many benefits. However, new studies are beginning to show that this isn’t true. In as much as this depression medication may adjust the levels of serotonin in the brain (the chemical linked to happiness), this drug has unpleasant mental and physical side effects..

Next, we would take a closer look at the ‘rival’ to this drug, Zoloft. The most common side effects to this depression medication are dry mouth, upset stomach, decreased appetite, fatigue, trouble sleeping, sexual dysfunction, diarrhea, tremor, feelings of agitation, indigestion, and increased perspiration.

Naturally when depression victims do get informed of the dangers of these forms of depression medication, automatically, they take the steps to try to cease its use. Is this easy? No. Take Zoloft for example; withdrawal symptoms have included dizziness, extreme nausea and high fever and in some adverse cases, even suicide.

From all the factors above, it will be safe to say no depression medication drug can truly help mental disorders. It will be best to seek natural treatment methods such as getting counseling, Yoga and a change in dietetic habits incorporating short fasts as the latter has been deemed a panacea for nearly all ailments known to man, including depression.

All these points considered, friends do weigh your options carefully next time you need help in dealing with depression, either for you or loved one. There are safer choices present.

In Friendship,

Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. He invites you to visit his blog for more tips on Depression Treatment and Self-Help Today.


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