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Physical Symptoms Of Depression

Chas Oliver has written Physical Symptoms Of Depression and writes "Depression is typically considered a mental or emotional condition, and with good reason: regardless of its causes, depression ultimately manifests itself in a person’s psychological outlook. But depression, as all mental or emotional conditions do, also presents physical symptoms in those who suffer with it. The physical condition of depression will not reveal itself as starkly as an advanced case of schizophrenia would, obviously; but the physical symptoms of depression are there to be observed, especially as a case of depression lingers on.

The most commonly linked reaction to depression is an expression of sadness. Depression is often considered synonymous with melancholy, or “feeling blue”. And a person displaying overt sadness, such as in the form of crying, is likely in distress. However, crying in itself is not necessarily a symptom of an emotional disorder: crying may actually be a perfectly reasonable and even healthy response, given the circumstances. Context is the key to identifying a possible mental or emotional problem. Crying for a period of time after the death of a loved one is perfectly normal; crying periodically for weeks at a time for no apparent reason indicates a need for intervention..

Expressions of anger are a common, and often misidentified, symptom of depression. Parents will often consider an angry outburst from their child to be an act of defiance, where it may in fact be a case of inappropriately expressed emotional upset. A spouse or a friend might consider anger from someone they care for to be an indication of hostility towards them, but it might actually be an expression of feeling psychologically overwhelmed. Seeking information in the face of anger is not necessarily an easy thing to do, but it can allow for honest communication to take place, and for misunderstandings to be avoided.

Some of the more classic physical symptoms of depression include sleeping too much, or sleeping too little; a loss of interest in formerly enjoyable activities; feeling lethargic or physically drained; trouble concentrating; and a decreased sex drive. Some of these symptoms may not be present in the person who is depressed, and the person who is not depressed may display one or more of these symptoms. The above symptoms individually or in total may also be an indication of some sort of physical medical problem. Again, context is key. And where uncertainty exists, use honest communication as much as possible to fill in the gaps.

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