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Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression was written by Shezz P and she writes "Many people who engage in various multi-tasking activities tend to exert too much of their brain power and as a result usually exhaust not only their physical strength, but they also tend to over extend their brains to the extent when it obviously needs some good old relaxation time. Busy people sometimes ignore the need to relax and take time off work, as well as their worries. It is these people who tend to start having nervous breakdowns, anxiety depression and other mental illnesses. Fortunately, if you're one of those poor unfortunate people who are unable to de-stress and is constantly fussing and worrying over things, there are various treatments available for treating anxiety depression.

Anxiety depression symptoms can vary from person to person but are usually characterized by irregularities and erratic behavior, this can be due to certain stress triggers that may tend to cause a person undue jitters and stress. Some people are naturally more nervous people and don't handle stressful situations as well as others, these people are more prone to having anxiety depression. They need to teach themsleves to be strong-willed when it comes to facing difficult and stress-prone activities. This is easier said than done and may be pretty hard to overcome at first, but trying to be calm and cool in times of extreme pressure is what will actually save your mental health from going in a totally downward spiral..

You will not be able to be cured from mental illness unless you are willing to admit that you have a mental illness in the first place. You have to be honest with yourself and assess what kind of depression or mental illness you actually have, go to your doctor to get yourself diagnosed correctly and to be placed on the right treatment for your condition. Here are the various types of depression:

Manic or Bipolar depression - symptoms include sudden and extreme changes in one's mood. One minute he or she is in an elevated state of euphoria while the next minute (day or week) he or she is feeling to be in a personal hell.

Postpartum depression - characterized by a prolonged sadness and a feeling of emptiness by a new mother. Physical stress during child birth, uncertain sense of responsibility towards the new born baby or over tiredness can be factors that can contribute to developing postpartum depression.

Dysthimia - characterized by a slight similarity with depression, although this time, it's been proven to be a lot less severe, but of course with any case, should be treated immediately.

Cyclothemia - characterized by a slight similarity with Manic or Bipolar depression wherein the individual suffering from this mental illness may occasionally suffer from severe changes in one's moods.

Seasonal Affective Disorder - symptoms of falling in a rut only during specific seasons (i.e. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall). Studies have shown that more people actually fall in to a rut more during the Winter and Fall seasons. Mood swings, wherein a person's mood may shift from happy to sad to angry in just a short time.

Anxiety depression has proven to be one of the most common types of depression and quite a high number of the population suffer from it. Anxiety depression is characterized by the state of being overly anxious about things. Anxiety, a supposedly normal behavior that actually helps a person adjust more to a certain stressful activity like first date jitters or a grueling exam the following day. Anxiety actually helps you get psyched up towards facing certain "difficult situations"; and therefore anxiety is actually a good thing. Anxiety depression however, is simply the opposite, not to be easily dismissed as a "case of the nerves"; Anxiety depression is actually an illness that can be caused from the biological makeup of an individual, or in other words, a hereditary illness.

Also, there are actually various types of Anxiety depression, each having its own unique characteristics. Take for example Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD, this kind of Anxiety depression is a lot more complicated than the average Anxiety depression, in spite of possibly being a day-to-day habit for those who suffer this kind of Anxiety depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder can make a person more paranoid than usual, anxiety attacks are more frequent, even absurd at times. They can even be anxious when there is no apparent reason that calls for them to behave in such a way. People suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder actually show a lot of symptoms, from lack of sleep, to being unable to relax, getting tired easily, cannot concentrate on what they're doing and even suffering from depression. This kind of Anxiety depression is curable but takes a bit of work to be cured.

Consult your doctor or therapist who will help give you the therapy that you need to help you loosen up. They may also prescribe medication to help with anxiety and help to calm and relax you.

ShezzP www.depressiondays.com


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