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Finding a Depression Treatment That Works for You'

Abbie Frank has written 'Finding a Depression Treatment That Works for You' and writes "Anxiety and depression seem to be on the rise in many parts of the world. The increased anxiety after September 11 has caused many people to look fondly at the past well hoping for a better future. In the meantime, it is necessary for many to seek treatment for anxiety and depression if only to be able to continue to function.

While anxiety is a term used to mean excessive worry or fear and depression is considered feelings of sadness and hopelessness, they're both very closely related with very similar treatment plans. Although there are a number of options available, it's important to get an accurate diagnosis from a qualified psychological counselor. It's also critical that you visit your medical doctor, if only to eliminate physical causes that may have triggered the anxiety depression..

Here's a few of the strategies that have been successfully used to treat anxiety and depression. Understand that while all have been shown effective to some degree, they don't all work for all people.

Medications: Certain types of medications known as SSRI or Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors work to increase the serotonin levels in your brain. These antidepressant meds have been able to be used successfully to treat many of the more common anxiety disorders. Although depression is generally recognized as being caused by low levels of chemicals in the brain, it seems to respond well to medication regimen. This in turn can help with various anxiety symptoms even though anxiety is more closely related to phobias and fears.

The Therapeutic Counseling: Some of the most effective counseling is known as cognitive therapy. This behavior therapy is a type of psychotherapy that helps a person to recognize the thinking patterns that may have caused the anxiety disorder or depression. Psychotherapeutic counseling is especially effective with various phobias also.

Natural Anxiety and Depression Treatments: There are many products on the market that all claim to cure various illnesses, disorders and disease. The reality is that many of these claims have not or cannot be verified through independent research. This means that even though it product claims to be the "miracle cure" these claims are based on testimonials. This isn't to say that there are not some natural mood elevating strategies that one can use.

These mood elevating strategies include getting more sunlight. It's no secret that in the winter when the days are shorter, there are more of us suffer from depression. I purposely going out into the sunlight for a least 30 minutes a day, it's possible to help raise your mood level and fight off depression.

Another effective method to change your perspective and elevate your mental state is to exercise. A brisk walk or other exercise program lasting at least 30 minutes can elevate the endorphins. These chemicals in the brain can give you an almost positive euphoric feeling that is also an effective treatment for depression.

Although there are many other treatment methods, these have been found to be the most effective. Many anxiety and depression sufferers find that a combination of treatment strategies is required to effectively feel better and function.

Abigail Franks writes on a variety of subjects for more info on anxiety and depression treatments visit http://www.anxietyhelpcenter.info and http://www.anxietyhelpcenter.info/anxiety-treatments/anxiety-treatments.html

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